The fact that the process of software selection for planning is so complex cannot be underestimated. That is why we need to apply a systematic method that includes company specific factors. We analyze the factors involved which will help us to focus on the requirements important for individual companies.
Focusing on company specific factors enables us to prioritize or select criteria. We analyzed the importance of various environmental factors according to the requirements:
- Clear relationships between an environmen-tal factor and appropriate software are noticeable. The environmental dynamics influences the necessary flexibility of a solution: if nothing has changed the planning solution has to be also only very seldom adjusted. In such a case the otherwise important factor of adaptation flexibility can be neglected.
- Moreover, there are also numerous relations between the environmental factors which have to be considered, as the following example illustrates. The branch has an influence on the environmental dynamics.
Altogether we become a really complex environmental interrelation as illustrated in image 1 which shows the fundamental interrelations.
Philosophy of Leadership
The greater freedom a manager has in an area or department while deciding the contents of planning and controlling, the more important it is to have a tool for bringing together the individual planning results. If decentralized units have also high degree of freedom in the area of planning, the tools are also supposed to depict planning objects, methods and masks. With a purely central controlling the tools for process supporting can possibly become useless.
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