Rozmowa z Rogerem T. Burltonem, międzynarodowym autorytetem w dziedzinie strategicznego zarządzania z perspektywy procesów.
Our readers are controllers, immersed in the world of finance. I would like to begin with a question what do you understand under the concept of process architecture?
The process architecture is a way of organizing all the work in a way that helps to connect the measurements of the work to the results we want to have. It enables us to break it up into modular pieces that focus on what are the right things to do for the customers at the end of the day. Based upon that a process architecture is a different way of looking at all work which is done, in logical work groups not organizational units. These work units can be measured and are built around doing the best things for the company and its customers. It’s not only about the measurement itself but making sure we’re measuring the work in a way that we meet the goals of a company – the financial goals and the other business goals.
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